The Business & Employer Solutions Team (BEST)
BCW Area Average
Current Unemployment Rate
Info hub on available grants, incentives, and training programs.
Local job-driven and experiential training resources to support your company’s needs.
Rapid Response services for companies and workers experiencing layoffs. Layoff reduction or aversion assistance is also available.
Opportunities to support the youth, policy/legislation, education/training, and business solutions.
Add a Ride to Work Program with Tax Benefits
Discover how Enterprise can help you get your employees to work with their Commute with Enterprise program.
Rapid Response Workshop
Turn Your Business Challenges into Opportunities. Rapid Response and Layoff Aversion Strategies.
About the BEST…
The BCW/Workforce Business & Employer Solutions Team (BEST) assists local employers with finding the talent they need to succeed and grow in a global market. Employers can access a wide variety of services and tools to assist them with recruiting, hiring and other workforce needs. These resources listed above are just some of the ways that we can help you save time and money.
Connect with a BEST Solutions Team Member
Virtual Assistance is Available
- Job Postings. OhioMeansJobs, a statewide electronic job-matching system, allows employers to post job openings and gain access to search a database of over 2.5 million resumes.
- Employer Workshops. We offer periodic workshops designed to assist employers with important workforce issues such as labor laws, employee retention, Family Medical Leave Act, Equal Employment Opportunity, Workers Compensation, HR 101, Background Checks, and more.
- Talent Recruitment. Employers are welcome to utilize our space to interview candidates, host hiring events, conduct orientations, and staff meetings. And participate in a job fair at our OhioMeansJobs Center.
- Application Screening. We have widely-used assessment materials which measure basic skills, aptitudes, interests, etc. We are also happy to assist in the proctoring of “employer specific” assessments.
- Labor Market Information. Employers can obtain labor market data to identify “in-demand” careers, competitive wages, leading economic indicators, unemployment statistics, and where to find qualified candidates.
- Tax Credit Programs. We can provide employers with helpful information on how they may offset hiring costs through participation in the Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) and Welfare-to-Work (WtW) federal income tax credit programs. You can save money on your taxes by hiring job seekers who meet certain targeted group criteria.
Our services are offered at no cost to employers as we are funded by the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act and its affiliated partners.
For more information about our assistance services for businesses, connect with a BEST member virtually or Contact a local OMJ Center to get started.
BCW|Workforce offers assistance to workers or individuals who have experienced a layoff as a result of economic conditions, site closures, downsizing, or other workforce reductions. This assistance is commonly referred to as RAPID RESPONSE services. The BEST members can provide information and resources to the affected workers to help ease the transitional process along with connecting eligible individuals to career training opportunities, such as grants under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA).
The BEST members also work directly with company’s HR and leadership team to provide wrap-around support services to the employer during the entire workforce reduction transitional period.
The first step in RAPID RESPONSE services typically involves arranging a virtual or onsite meeting with the company (including any appropriate HR, leadership, or executive-level team members) to walk-through the process and scheduling information sessions for the affected workers (ideally before the layoff occurs) to inform the workers of job search, training, Unemployment Insurance, and other workforce resources.
For more information, connect with a BEST member virtually or Contact a local OMJ Center to get started.
Employers can schedule and post a hiring event by contacting a BEST Member.
Yes.The OMJ One-Stop staff can orient and train employers about how to use
Yes. BEST Partners meet regularly to:
- Identify at‐risk companies, via an early warning network.
- Tailor engagement strategies to address employment, staff development or layoff risks.
- Develop project plans.
- Coordinate community-based partners, programs and services.
- Advocate for State funds.
- Assist with layoff aversion activities.
- Orient OMJ Career Advisors and other staff.
- Maintain data.
Yes. We now have an Outreach & Engagement team for awareness projects.
We have anecdotal and documented individual feedback, and satisfaction surveys. Through the OMJ Operator, the BEST Intermediary collects this feedback, sorted by business type, clusters and/or industry.
BEST Partners build on existing relationships with employers and community stakeholders, for awareness and engagement of OMJ One-Stop programs and services, or to either identify or address a specific need.
OMJ BEST Partners offer services, based on where a business/employer sees themselves in the Business Cycle: