Education and Training Services

Welcome to Education & Training Programs

The BCW/Workforce provides access to advisors to assist with career counseling and guidance, as well as education and training programs to help you move up, get qualified, or transition to an in-demand career. If you are ready for the next step in your career, we are here to connect you with the proper tools and resources to experience growth and transformation.

Eligible individuals may also receive tuition assistance for job training and degree/credential programs in high-demand jobs and careers. You can also receive Unemployment Insurance while completing your degree/training program. Whether you’re a GED or high school graduate, or a laid-off worker looking to retrain or reinvent yourself, BCW/Workforce has customized solutions available.

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The words job, career, and occupation are often used interchangeably. To be specific, a job is what you show up to for work; a career spans your lifetime and includes your education, training, professional memberships, volunteering and your full history of paid work. There is also an occupation which describes a type of work with associated tasks, education and training, typical wages, work settings, and more.

For example, you may choose to get trained for a career in nursing.. Then apply for a job as an emergency room nurse at your local hospital. After several years, your career might include that experience in the ER, as well as jobs in pediatrics, patient education, and cardiac rehabilitation.

For simplicity, on BCW|Workforce we generally use “career” and “occupation” to mean a type of work, and treat “job” as a specific arrangement with an employer.

Visit Ohio’s Top Jobs List to find the fastest-growing occupations, the fastest-growing industries, the occupations with the most openings, and other employment trend information.