What We Do is Employer Focused

The Workforce Development Board of Butler|Clermont|Warren is a tri-county regional organization comprised of leaders from business, education & training and workforce organizations. The Board is a 19-member board that oversees the operations of the OhioMeansJobs Centers in Butler, Clermont, and Warren County with the ultimate goal of delivering innovative strategies in workforce solutions.

The Mission of the BCW/Workforce is to serve the workforce needs of employers by connecting them with quality employees.

The Vision of the BCW/Workforce is to be a valued and respected leader in the provision of workforce resources and solutions.
The role of the BCW/Workforce is to set the vision, policy direction and performance expectations for the Butler, Clermont,  and Warren County workforce development / OhioMeansJobs system.
Our values define the core of our organization; our beliefs, our behavior and how we respect those we serve. The following tenets serve as the guiding principles for the BCW/Workforce: 

  • Help support businesses to succeed
  • Enable connections for a strong workforce
  • Ensure quality training
  • Conduct our business with honesty and integrity
  • Operate as a single, regional entity
  • Assure clear communication among our partners
  • Implement innovative workforce solutions
  • Educate and advocate on workforce issues
  • Be a resourceful and responsive partner

Click HERE for our bylaws. 

Board Meetings

Visit Board and Committee Meeting Schedule to view dates/times of upcoming meetings. Meetings are open to the public to engage the community in information sharing and discussion. Please register at least 48 hours in advance to attend the meeting. Upon registration, a link will be provided to access the session.


Board Commitee

In order to effectively accomplish our goals, the Board is comprised of several sub-committees with specific areas of focus. Chairs of standing sub-committees are members of the Executive Committee, which can take action on behalf of the Board between meetings. In addition to standing committees, the Board may develop ad hoc committees, also known as work groups, that meet to accomplish a very specific goal, or to use as a sounding board. 

Business member participation is strongly encouraged on all Board committees and work groups.

Committee Purpose

​The Executive Committee is responsible for:

  • Coordinating and overseeing the business and financial activities of the Board and its other committees, to ensure the satisfactory performance of functions stipulated by WIA, these bylaws, the mission of the Board, and all pertinent statutes and regulations;
  • Oversee WIA policy and administrative/compliance issues; 
  • Monitoring and guiding the administrative management of the Board;
  • Reporting to the Area 12 Boards of County Commissioners on all matters pertaining to the Board; a purpose for which the committee’s minutes will routinely suffice; Slating of Board Officers. 
  • The Executive Committee will act on behalf of the full Workforce Investment Board, between the Workforce Investment Board meetings when circumstances require.  Any actions taken on behalf of the Board will be reported at the next Board meeting.  The Executive Committee may hold meetings at such place and time determined necessary.  Meetings of the Executive Committee may be called by the Chair or by any three or more members of the Executive Committee.  Notice of the time and place of every meeting shall be given to each member not less than two (2) calendar days before the meeting.

Committee Membership

​The Executive Committee is comprised of the Workforce Investment Board Chair, Vice­ Chairs, all Standing Committee Chairs and one Commissioner serving on the Workforce Investment Board from each county.  Ad Hoc Committee Chairs do not comprise membership of the Executive Committee.

Committee Officers

​The Chairperson of the Board will serve as Chairperson of the Executive Committee; the Vice Chairperson(s) of the Board will serve as Vice Chairperson of the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee is comprised of the Workforce Investment Board Chair, Vice­ Chairs, all Standing Committee Chairs and one Commissioner serving on the Workforce Investment Board from each county.  Ad Hoc Committee Chairs do not comprise membership of the Executive Committee.

Committee Purpose

​The purpose of the Board Governance Committee is to establish the Workforce Development Board as the recognized leader for regional workforce development efforts. An overview of the essential functions includes:

  • Board recruitment/selection process development
  • Board member orientation
  • Board self-assessment initiatives
  • Best practices from WIBs

Committee Membership

The Board Governance Committee is comprised of at least one representative from each county.

Committee Purpose

​The purpose of the Budget and Finance Committee is to ensure that audit and fiscal systems are operating efficiently and that internal fiscal controls are in place.  Reviews and makes recommendations for budgetary revisions pursuant to Board policy.

Committee Membership

​The Budget and Finance Committee is comprised of the Chief Fiscal Officer from each county, the Fiscal Agent and at least one Board member with a financial background. The Board Development Committee is comprised of at least one representative from each county.

Committee Purpose

​The BEST Committee has policy responsibility over the following areas:

  • Economic Indicators
  • Business Needs
  • Rapid Response Monitoring
  • Grants/Alternative  Funding
  • For-­fee One-­Stop services
  • Legislative monitoring/input
  • Marketing
  • Business Outreach
  • Surveys/Data

Committee Membership

​The BEST Committee is comprised of at least four members.

Committee Purpose

The Emerging Workforce (Youth) Committee has policy responsibility over the following areas: 

  • Education-­related  issues
  • Job Preparedness
  • WIOA Youth programs / RFP approval and provider oversight
  • Employer/employee needs
  • Mentoring/Internship
  • Apprenticeships

Committee Membership

​The Emerging Workforce Committee is comprised of at least six members. Committee members may include Workforce Development Board members as well as non-­board representatives of a juvenile justice/law enforcement agency, public housing, parents of WIA eligible youth, Job Corps, a consumer of youth workforce programs, and educators, etc.

Committee Purpose

The Education and Training Committee is commissioned by, and responsible to, the Workforce Investment Board to:

  • Ensure effective communication and collaboration between the educational partners with Butler, Clermont, and Warren Counties
  • Be a conduit for connecting businesses with the area’s education resources

Reports to: WIB Executive Committee

Committee Membership

  • Chaired by- WIB Chair Appointment (with a Higher Education affiliation)
  • Members: representatives from area educational institutions, such as secondary, post-secondary, college/university, adult education, and other training providers.
  • Meeting frequency: monthly