OhioMeansJobs (OMJ) Centers offer career-oriented education and training services for Youth/Emerging Workforcelaid-off workers, and adults through our collaborative team of workforce partners.  Need to finish your high-school diploma or GED?  No problem, help is available. Eligible individuals may also receive tuition assistance to obtain or finish a certificate, degree, or credential. Each year, OMJ helps eligible candidates by providing job training grants through the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA).  WIOA participants can continue to receive their unemployment compensation while completing training. Whether you’re a high school graduate looking for the next step, a laid-off worker wanting to retrain or upgrade your skills, a professional in career transition, or a current employee needing additional training, OMJ can offer customized solutions to help meet your career goals. Connect with a Career Advisor to learn more.

For Employers, OMJ assists with finding, training, educating, and retaining dedicated talent utilizing our Business and Employer Solutions Team (BEST).  Through On-the-Job Training, apprenticeship programs, and Incumbent Worker Training, companies can strategically develop their workforce while leveraging workforce resources. Apprenticeship programs enable companies to train on-site with relevant instruction while boosting productivity, improvin talent, and reducing recruitment and turnover costs. OMJ can help support your onboarding process, saving your business time and money.  Connect with a B.E.S.T. member to learn more.

OMJ is the area’s go-to resource for training and education needs. Let us guide you on your journey, whether it’s pursuing a degree, or training to improve your skills to enhance your career. We’re here for you every step of the way.

An expansive list of Colleges, Universities, and Schools to help train you for a high-demand career!

Interested in browsing or learning more about education and training programs for high-demand careers?  The Ohio Workforce Inventory of Education and Training (WIET) has a catalog of programs approved for training assistance through the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA).  Local Colleges, Universities, and other training providers are featured.  Click the search inventory button below to learn more.

Workforce Inventory of Education and Training Programs