Do you long for a stable, well-paying and in-demand job that will ensure a secure future for you and your family? We know that in the midst of going to your current job each day or in the process of looking for work that it is difficult to determine a field that will satisfy all these needs on your own. OhioMeansJobs is here for you to help pave the way. We will be highlighting some opportunities for Ohioans right here on our quarterly blog.

Our current focus is the logistics industry. Not sure what that encompasses? Think about all the goods the companies of our country produce. How do our food items make it to our grocery shelves? How do all of the big box stores get the right amount of the products customers want? How do packages we order from Amazon end up on our doorsteps? How do hospitals get the equipment and medications needed to help our communities thrive?

All of these answers lie in the realm of supply chain management, also known as logistics. Logistics is all about the production, shipment, and distribution of products. It covers everything from inventory to sales and is an important element of any business that makes and sells products.

You can be a part of this important industry. Read on to see how you can do your part to serve America and help Americans thrive. OhioMeansJobs can help.

Just last month, the U.S. Dept. of Labor issued a news release stating that “The pandemic highlighted the vital role warehouse workers, delivery drivers, truck drivers and others in the warehousing and logistics industries play in supporting our nation’s homes, businesses, and economy. These essential workers ensure medical supplies, construction materials, food and clothing, and many other necessities of daily life arrive where they are needed. The Wage and Hour Division will use all of its tools to ensure employers comply with federal labor laws and pay workers their hard-earned wages.”

This is great news for this industry and potentially for you!

Not only is the Department of Labor ensuring fair wages in this sector of employment, the logistics industry is a varied, secure, and growing industry.

What kinds of jobs are available in the logistics industry?

Since this industry includes every part of the supply chain from manufacturing to transporting to delivery, the positions are many and varied. We encourage you to begin your search at, choose filters related to region, education, experience, and job category to see what’s available. Typical results might include:

  • Warehouse workers
  • Facility Maintenance
  • Delivery driver
  • Truck driver
  • Operations Management and Supervision
  • Buyer/Sales/Purchasing agent
  • Supply Chain Analyst
  • Logistician
  • Production control
  • Inventory Control

Is logistics a growing industry?

In short, yes!

According to, “The logistics market in North America is among the leading logistics markets in the world. In 2020, the North American logistics market was sized at over two trillion U.S. dollars and ranked second after Asia-Pacific.”

In Ohio, jobs in the logistics industry currently rank 5th on Ohio’s “Top Jobs” list (second only to jobs in healthcare and software development). “Top jobs” are jobs that have a sustainable wage and a promising future based on the projected number of openings and growth. The following criteria was used to define an “in-demand job” in Ohio:

  • 80% of state median wage, $14.90 per hour, or more;
  • Annual growth in the number of jobs higher than the statewide average of 20; or
  • Annual job openings greater than 620. (

Not only are there logistics positions within every large company, but logistics centers that specialize in the supply of goods exist all over the state (with a new one opening near Miami Valley Gaming in Lebanon in 2023!).

How can I grow in this career?

It’s one thing for an industry to be a growth industry, but we know you also care about your potential for growth. You want a career that will provide opportunities for you to develop more skills, have greater responsibilities, and earn more pay. The logistics industry offers all of this.

As we as a society continue to consume and to demand goods that arrive on our front porches in short order, the supply-chain-related jobs will be there. Let us help you find them. Make use of all the tools on our site and visit your local OhioMeansJobs workforce office to land a job in the growing field of logistics!


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