WIOA Regional/Local Plan Modification – Comment Period

WIOA Regional/Local Plan 2021 – APPROVED

The area 13 and 12 Regional and local Plan was officially approved by all entities on August 17, 2021. This Regional plan will be the guidance for Area 12 & 13 as we work to better the workforce in a collaborative manner.

PUBLISH DATE: May 20, 2021

Published update: The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) of 2014 requires Local Workforce Development Areas (LWDA) to complete a collaborative, four-year Regional Plan. In Southwest Ohio, these LWDAs include Ohio Area 13, led by Workforce Council of Southwest Ohio (serving Hamilton County) and Area 12, led by BCW/Workforce (serving Butler, Clermont, and Warren Counties). The original Plan was completed in 2021, in collaboration between the two areas. Under the guidance of WIOA, the two areas partnered once again to prepare a biennial update to the Plan. This updated Plan reflects labor market and economic changes to the Southwest Ohio Region, as a result of the impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic and our local region’s ongoing recovery and growth since the Pandemic.

Changes to our original Plan are shown in blue to make it easier for our workforce boards, partners, elected officials, Ohio Department of Job and Family Services (ODJFS), and the community at large, to identify the changes.

On behalf of the Southwest Ohio Region thank you for your time and working with us to enhance and strengthen the talent pipeline through career pathways, occupational attainment, and living wage livelihood of our citizens, while supporting the success of employers throughout the region.

We offer you the opportunity to review the Regional and Local Plan Biennial Modification and to submit comments or suggestions to Administration@bcwworkforce.com.

Current Plan
Updated Plan
Executive Summary